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Hot News: Jobsdb by SEEK invites entrepreneurs to unlock their employees' potential with a free online seminar, seekTALKS
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Jobsdb by SEEK invites entrepreneurs to unlock their
employees' potential with a free online seminar, seekTALKS

Jobsdb by SEEK reaffirms its leadership in the online employment market and its strong partnership with businesses, agencies, and organizations through the continuous organization of seekTALKS events. The seekTALKS event has been very well-received because Jobsdb by SEEK has supported, promoted, and developed the potential of partners in terms of labor recruitment by sharing knowledge, experiences, and important strategies for partners to apply in their organization's employment effectively and to meet their needs as much as possible.

The latest seekTALKS event, titled "Unlocking Potential: Developing Employee Potential with Growth Mindset," invites entrepreneurs to unlock their employees' potential with the "Power of Growth Mindset" on Friday, February 21, 2025, from 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom, with Dr. Jennifer Chavanovanich, a psychology expert and deputy dean and director of the Western-Eastern Psychological Science Research Center. and the President of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chulalongkorn University, shared knowledge to enhance mindsets that help organizations and personnel grow and maintain competitive advantages amidst the rapidly changing business world.

The Importance of Growth Mindset in the AI ??Era According to the Decoding Global Talent 2024: AI Edition report by Jobsdb by SEEK, 62% of Thai workers use Generative AI or creative artificial intelligence in their work, making Thailand a leader in the use of AI technology to increase productivity at work. This shift reflects the increasing need for a growth mindset to help employees adapt, develop skills, and succeed in the changing digital landscape.

The report also revealed that 70% of Thai professionals are eager to develop new skills, especially in business management, sales, and customer service. A growth mindset is the key to being open-minded, developing new skills, and building job security amidst the rapidly changing job market. In a rapidly changing world in the AI ??era, companies are constantly changing and adapting in order to compete and grow. Therefore, personnel with a Growth Mindset play a key role in helping organizations effectively adapt and cope with these changes. Therefore, this seekTALKS activity will provide practical strategies. To help employees and HR leaders strengthen their people and organizations in this challenging era

The special lecture topics under the topic seekTALKS: Unlocking Potential: Developing Employees' Potential with Growth Mindset include: The Importance of Growth Mindset in Today's Workplace Tips for Adapting and Increasing Flexibility for Employees in a Workplace Where AI May Displace Practical Strategies for HR Leaders to Empower Their People Approaches to Building an Organizational Culture that Promotes Continuous Learning and Self-Development Interested individuals, business professionals, or HR leaders who want to empower their teams and prepare their organizations for the future can join the seekTALKS online seminar on "Unlocking Potential - Empowering Employees with Growth Mindset" for free and with no limit on the number of participants. You can register for the Zoom Webinar at the following link: https://seek.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_C_cZDdrSQ6ub46TeysJDrg Meeting ID: 965 6063 9561Password: 68788 In addition to continuously organizing online seminars for partners, companies and leading organizations, Jobsdb by SEEK continues to build on its success by organizing seekTALKS activities in the form of onsite seminars that provide opportunities for entrepreneurs and organizations to exchange ideas, update employment trends and learn useful strategies for continuous organizational development. Follow more details about Jobsdb by SEEK and seekTALKS activities at https://www.facebook.com/JobsdbThailandOfficialPage or https://th.jobsdb.com/

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